we care about
your food

For the last 20 years we’ve been constantly improving ourselves and everything that we do – we have opened new markets, we have developed production capacity by introducing an integrated system that includes incubation, feeding, poultry farms, slaughtering and distribution. One thing, however, remained unchanged – quality is our top priority. Whatever we do, we make sure that the Avi-Top brand offers good taste and safety to everyone enjoying our products.

Products and services
Every year, we produce 12,000 tons of poultry products under two brands – Avi-Top and Five Stars / Cinci stele. But the care for the quality of our products is present in every packaged product that comes out of our door and reaches the table of our customers.
Because we want to maintain the freshness of the meat for as long as possible, our products are packed in ATM trays – in a controlled atmosphere. This way we make sure that, after unpacking, you are able to enjoy the unaltered properties of the best chicken meat out there. The process is healthy and natural. In addition, products packaged in these trays have a fixed weight controlled by state-of-the-art technology – one more proof of quality.

Top investments for top products
In the last year alone, we have invested over 5 million euros in the modernization of our production capacity. We now have new poultry halls, a better production capacity of the compound feed factory, and modern weighing and packaging equipment. We invest constantly because the modernization of the production capacity means that we are always up-to-date with the latest food safety and quality norms for our products.

Quality: guaranteed
The main measure for our success is consumer satisfaction. The more demanding our products are, the better and healthier the future looks for everyone. In 2005, AVI-TOP received the first ISO certifications for the integrated quality management system, food safety, and environment. We haven’t stopped since. Every year we improve the way in which we bring excellent, healthy and tasty products to your table.